colorado hoa forum HOA HOMEOWNER ADVOCATES
CCIOA: Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act and Research Tool
HB 22-1137: changes in collection policy, foreclosures, ..
Our proposal for improving HOA home closing in brief
State HOA Office Report 2023
Research HOA Law: overview
List of HOA Bills
HOA Property Manager Licensing Sunrise Report recommends licensing: 2021: but no legislative support
HB 21-1229, Records Retention and Disclosure and Fees Transparency
HB 21-1310, HOA Flag Bill
HOA flag restrictions a thing of the past
Articles in Denver Post: enter key word "HOA" to view our all postings or searh by issue.
State HOA Office could save homeowners millions
HOA Transfer fees costs homeowners over $15+ million a year and represent duplicate billing for that which has been paid for with HOA dues. Twelve facts about Transfer Fees
HOA out-of-court dispute resolution for homeowners within the State HOA Office: cost study
Day care centers must be allowed in HOAs (except for 55+ communities)
Write a Letter to the Editor of your local newspaper/TV station about HOA Issues
Aurora Sentinel, Coloradoopenforum@denverpost.comopenforum@dailycamera.comChannel 7 NewsChannel 4 NewsChannel 9 NewsLet us know the email of your local newspaper or media and we'll add it to our list
Dog attacks/problems are at the top of homeowner's complaints, mitigate problems by banning these vicious breeds, number and size of dogs (especially in senior and 55+ communities)
Our proposal for out of court dispute resolution within the State HOA Office
Are HOAs Racist? Our new report on this issue (to be updated)
Colorado racist housing polices of the past?
Owner Prevails Over Association and is Allowed to Keep Her Storage Barn
Newsletter July 2022
Proposal for out of court dispute resolution: FLOW CHART
When - How to Change Governing Documents
HOAs in Colorado: no oversight
Buyer and Realtor Should Acknowledge Understanding of CCRs Prior to Closing on Home
Non-disclosure agreements for HOA Board members?
Construction Defects law requires homeowners to approve litigation
HB 20-1200 and Sunset Review to continue State HOA Office: note dispute resolution in this Bill is main justification to continue HOA Office
HB 19-1309 provides mobile home and manufactured home communities with out of court dispute resolution process within DORA: why not HOAs?
Look up any HOA Bills/law
Selling your HOA home, save yourself hundreds! Need help, contact us
Green Valley Ranch Study
Liens - Foreclosure
Super lien sale of home can be devastating
Foreclosure on $100,000 valued property yields $4,000 to homeowner
Seniors - Disabled
Senior 55+ HOA's: anyone, any age and with teens can buy a home
Does my HOA have to pay for my wheelchair ramp? (scroll down on article)
Senior communities get exclusion in SB 20-126 that requires HOA to allow day care businesses in community
Home Sale Transfer Fees & Management Fees
HOA home sale transfer fees: $50 not $350-1,000
Condo Questionnaire Fee: explanation and should it cost $100-300
Homeowners do all the work related to home closing and transfer fees and still get charged a fee!
Management Company Oversight Charges: costly, unnecessary
Metro Districts
Developers can still abuse taxpayers with this gross metro district trick
How developers use bonds, mill levies to ensure they are repaid
Colorado metro district debts can take homeowners decades to pay off
Metro Districts can deliver surprisingly and costly tax increases and millions in debt for homeowners at future date
Declarant/Developer transition to homeowner control
More under State and Federal Laws
Organization Dedicated to Metro District Reform
The Colorado HOA Forum should not be used as a guide or source for legal advice or a substitution for gaining legal advice on pursuing litigation.