We don't endorse any law firm, business or management company referenced in website content
Our proposals:
Homeowner Dispute
Property Manager
***HOA Reform Priorities
Foreclosure Prevention and
Equity Protection
Home Closing Disclosure
HOA Home Sale
Transfer Fees
State HOA Data Base
HOA Board Responsibilties
Reserve Fund Reform
HOA Insurance Reform
HOA Voting Reform see
Item #9
HOA Town Hall, open to the public Jan 20, 10 am, Aurora, more to come
Organization Dedicated to Metro District Reform
Information concerning State HOA laws, updates on Bills proposed to the legislature, Bills recently passed and method to look up any and all HOA laws in Colorado plus our comments on legislative proposals.
Legislation and other proposals required to complete HOA Reform
CCIOA: Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act
Access to Colorado State HOA laws, Federal Housing laws, explanations on HOA governing documents, recent legislation proposed/passed/vetoed, HOA registration and news articles concerning HOA laws. Metro District information
Look up any State Bill, law or legislator
HOA insurance and CCIOA
Explanations of HOA governing documents, discussion on enforcing CCR's and dispute resolution, role of HOA Boards and Management companies, enforcing homeowners's rights, transition from developer to homeowners, and more.
Simple fine and $600,000 in legal costs: reasonable?
HOA Lobbyist
HOA lobbyist and lobbyist client list (click through all pages)
Copies of our quarterly and previous newsletters that address current events, laws and homeowner issues.
Information concerning the needs and rights of seniors and the disabled in an HOA, links to related HOA and housing laws, informative information about 55+ cmmunities and buying guide on evaluating and living in an HOA community
Our proposal for reform Learn about HOA home sale transfer fees that represent duplicate, excessive and unjustified costs to HOA home sellers, how to save hundreds of dollars with this fee and studies on what transfer fees are and are not
Our proposal for HOA documentation disclosure and transparency
Selling a home in an HOA requires providing buyers and the Title company with official HOA documentation. Learn about the required documents and fees in obtaining documentatiion and how to save hundreds when selling your home
Condominium HOA homeowners have different issues from single family home communities. Learn about homeowner and HOA responsibilities on issues such as insurance, maintenace, accesibility, use of common areas, etc. Get our Condominium Guide for the questions you should be asking before and after you buy your home.
State HOA Yearly Reports
The Colorado State HOA Office is mostly unknown to most homeowners and its' purpose is not clearly understood. Learn about what this Office can and can't do and our proposal to make it a productive, consumer oriented and cost saving resurce for homeowner's in dispute resolution and completing HOA home sale transfer fee requirements. This Office has excellent educational presentations
Read about HOA insurance needs. The Forum has a variety of brochures that explain HOA governance, finances, home buying, CCR's, senior and disabled issues, maintenance responsiblities, etc. The guides are free. Learn about what you should know before and after you buy into an HOA.
Identify water issues when buying a home
Learn about the role of the HOA Property Management Company in your HOA (it mostly manages all operations, maintenance and finances). Understand homeowner responsibilities on property maintenance and get our guide. Know the maintenance issues before and after you buy your home.
Updated for 2023
Want to write your State Representative to encourage them to support HOA initiatives? We present the tools to identify your representative and obtain their telephone number and email address.
Insurance and CCIOA
Quick guide on HOA insurance
Learn about fees, fines, HOA dues, homeowner's insurance, home closing costs. foreclosures, Metro Districts and more. Get a free comprehensive guide on HOA finances. Learn about HOA reserve funds, metro districts and HOA foreclosures and super-liens. Get our guide
Contact us - ask a question, join our organization, it is free. Rceive our newsletters, bulletins and updates on our efforts with HOA Reform. Become part of our homeowner lobbying effort on legislative issues.
Direct email
We provide a discussion on issues related to renting in an HOA from the home owner's (renters) perspective and the renter's responsibilities
The Forum will conduct free seminars on HOA topics and make presentations at your HOA meetings or other venue.
The Colorado HOA Forum has members in over 600 HOAs in Colorado and growing. Here is our latest list.
An introduction to the Colorado HOA Forum
Metro Districts, Transition from Developer to Homeowners, HOA Insurance Issues and "Full Disclosure" of HOA issues in a home sale
the Colorado HOA Forum should not be used as a guide or source for legal advice or a substitution for gaining legal counsel or pursuing litigation.