legislative update
Colorado HOA Statutes are absent of any effective enforcement tools from the homeowner's perspective
- Our proposal for out of court dispute resolution within the State HOA Office HOA Reform: implementing a dispute resolution process in the HOA Office and creating a State HOA data repository. HB-22-1137: changes collection and foreclosure policy -------------------------- Write a Letter to the Editor of your local newspaper/TV station about HOA Issues Aurora Sentinel, Colorado
- Channel 7 News
- Channel 4 News
- Channel 9 News
- Let us know the email of your local newspaper or media and we'll add it to our list
HOA Reform without legislation. Is this possible?
Our legislative proposals
2021 HOA Property Manager Licensing Sunrise Report recommends licensing
2019 Sunset Report
on HOA Office recommends dispute resolution
HOA flag restrictions a thing of the past
HB 21-1229, Records Retention and Disclosure and Fees Transparency
HB 21-1229 impact/overview
Look up any Bill or Act or proposed Bills
Construction Defects law requires homeowners to approve litigation
State HOA Office Sunset Report: Reforms and justification for Office Deleted from HB 20-1200
HB 19-1309 provides mobile home and manufactured home communities with out of court dispute resolution process within DORA
The Colorado HOA Forum should not be used as a guide or source for legal advice or a substitution for gaining legal advice on pursuing litigation.