colorado hoa forum HOA HOMEOWNER ADVOCATES
STATE & FEDERAL LAWS/HOA DOCUMENTS read your hoa's declaration and bylaws first, then ask questions
Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act: "the" law on HOAs in Colorado (CCIOA) 2024
CCIOA Research Tool
CCIOA or Not
CCIOA and Non-Profit Act and information on pre-CCIOA HOAs
Look up any Bill or Act or proposed Bills
Sign up to testify on a Bill at a legisative hearing
Condominium Ownership Act
A Managers Guide to the Colorado Revised Nonprofit Corporation Act HB 22-1137 changes to collection and foreclosures
Colorado Law Summary
Research HOA Laws
Colorado has no oversight or regulation over Management Companies or HOAs
Outline of the Colorado Revised Nonprofit Act: generally applies to HOAs
Difference Between Community Volunteer Organization and HOA
HB 21-1310 HOA Flag Bill
HOA 2019 Office Sunset Review Report, recommendations for HOA reform and justifying HOA Office deleted (suggests a dispute resolution process)
HOA State Study 2013 recmmends dispute resolution process
HB 17-1279 Construction Defects litiagation requires homeowner approval.
HOA: Daycare business allowed in SB 126 (senior communities excluded)
55+ communities qualitying under the Housing for Older People's Act are "exempt" from sections of Fair Housing Act
Original HB 20-1200, all reforms deleted
Grandfather clause in CCIOA concerning enforcement of CCR's
Our legislative Proposals
Quick Comments:
HOA Registration Required: penalties for non-registration
There are no State or Federal laws providing oversight of HOAs or HOA property managers
Why HOA laws are generally unenforceable
HOA Non-disclosure agreements for Board members: bad medicine
Policies your HOA must have in your governing documents
By laws and changing by laws
HOA laws: State, Federal, local, get a copy of CCIOA
Federal and State Laws
Federal laws and HOA Federal laws (2)
Fair Housing Act (FHA Law and Overview)
Colorado Fair Housing Act 2022
Fair Housing and Children: be careful about any restriction
Fair Housing and HOAs
ADA: Americans with Disability Act
Primer for HOAs on FHA
FHA Loan Approval
Housing for Older Persons Act of 1995 (HOPA), Understand Compliance with Legal Age Discrimination and How it can Help those who Seek out Senior Housing Devleopment
HOPA doesn't preclude a person under 55+ age from buying a home in a senior community unless directly restricted in HOA governing documents and most don't!
Colorado ADA Related Service Assistance Animals in Housing
HOA Registration
Transition from Developer to Homeowner Control
Overview of Declarant/Developer transition to homeowners
Transition Audit
Developer to HOA homeowner control: outline (we don't endorse this legal firm or any other)
Note only: Upon the transition from Developer to Homeowners a vote will be held to replace and elect the HOA Board. No requirement to retain Developer appointed Board members
Xeriscape Law
Xeriscape Overview
Solar Law
Solar Overview
Comprehensive Guide on HOA member and Board Meetings
Electronic/Internet voting is allowed
anti-SLAPP suit litigation: is your HOA instructing you to "shut-up"?
SB 23-178 HOA Landscaping
Property taxes and HOA Common Property
How a Bill becomes a law
Simple explanation of HOA Declaration, By-laws, Rules
HOA Governance Documents Explained
HOA Rules vs CCRs
Read about HOA Governance: controls, covenants, restrictions in our guide
Guide to HOA Documentation required for home closing
Contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate: see Section 7, List of documents home seller to provide home buyer
HOA Documentation Retention Guidelines
Surveillance Cameras
Business Judgement Rule
Pre and Post CCIOA
Overview of HOA law pre-1992 and post 1992: what applies to CCIOA
CCIOA and pre-CCIOA requirements: detailed overview
Is your community an HOA and are you governed under CCIOA?Pre and Post July 1992 HOAs
Specific Topics
What is a Nuisance and What Can You Do About Them?
Cigarettes, Cigars, Marijuana Restrictions
Grandfather Clause in CCIOA
Voting, and disclosures
Passing a Budget
Rules vs Covenants
Proxy Voting: expire after 11 months Foreclosure Information Foreclosure Overview All about foreclosures Alternatives to Foreclosure Traffic Enforcement Recall Elections Metro Districts Colorado Organization for Metro District Reform Metro Districts: overview Metro Districts 101 Class Metro District Handbook
Proxy Voting: expire after 11 months Foreclosure Information Foreclosure Overview All about foreclosures Alternatives to Foreclosure Traffic Enforcement Recall Elections Metro Districts Colorado Organization for Metro District Reform Metro Districts: overview Metro Districts 101 Class Metro District Handbook
The Colorado HOA Forum should not be used as a guide or source for legal advice or a substitution for gaining legal advice on pursuing litigation.